Susan: If you have a high water table, does that mean a ground source heat pump is not an option? John: When there is no sun (night or clouds) do you power your home from the stored battery energy or from the grid? Susan: What happens if it snows and the solar panel is covered? Linda: Have you had any difficulties with power surges? Do you have a surge protector on your system? Enis: Sounds like no cooling on first floor; is the cooling on the second floor sufficient to cool the first floor? Ernest: For your heat pump, what is your refrigerant? Ernest: Well drillers seem to be rare. Who can help a homeowner in getting a GSHP? Enis:Does the house have an Energy Recovery Ventilator? William: To what extent is the ground piping protected from ground pressures, shifting, roots, etc? Its easy to recall issues with cement blocks shifted and pool heater piping breaking. Are these concerns significant here? May: Are mechanized solar panels on land better because follow the sun? Enis: Is Sunpower solar panel to most efficient in converting solar to electricity? William: In a talk on an air exchange heat pump, the setup kept the gas furnace for a few days per year when the temperature dropped enough. Do you anticipate any external temperature drops that might be a problem? Skip: We have a SunPower 7.35kW system. Love it. Also have an induction cooktop which is great. No batteries but maybe in the future, Ernest: Why hydronic and not all a warm air system? Enis: If you had done all this work starting in 2023, how much money would you have gotten back due to Inflation Reduction Act? Skip: Induction is awesome!!! So much better than gas/propane: minimal heat losses, no indoor combustion gases, very tight heat control.