Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 11:57 AM
To:; Steve Miller <>; Bob <>; Greg Gorman <>; Eric Benson <>; Christopher B. Hitchcock <>; Corey Katz <>; Carol Van Kirk <>; Ken Dolsky <>; Jennifer Nielsen <>
Subject: RE: Proposed Updates to New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program: New Construction Program

Here are my comments that I submitted if helpful - I think the key here is we need to ask for two things 
1. an actual goal in the newly proposed New Construction program for cold climate heat pumps; and 
2. an actual component to this program to incentivize and build Zero Energy Homes + RE not just Zero Energy Ready Homes+ RE.

I also took the opportunity highlights Ken's recommendation to again link the BPU's new homes construction program to the 3,300 affordable homes in the Gov FY 2023 budget - to build these as ZEH.  I made these same comments on the overall NJBPU Clean Energy FY23 Budget.
The rest of this Program presentation are detailed on how to actual implement this new New Construction program in terms of the modeling and evaluation that should be used to rank and score to award incentives.  The goo thing is this program will be linked to the Passive Homes program that Hap Haven's presentation last month
Michael Winka