2022-6-6-agenda proposed by BE Team: attendees Anjuli Ramos; Taylor McFarland, Greg Gorman, Sylvia Kay, Chris Hitchcock; Steve Miller; Pat Miller; John Kashwick; ....

1.: Quickly take attendees thru "NJ 50x30 Building Electriifcaiton Team" legislation big picture (slides attached)
2.      Review the desired changes in the “Bill A1440 / S1170 Zero Energy Act (our topic for tonight)
3.      Describe our detailed bill “Building Electrification Act”- looking for a sponsor
I hope we can start discussing #3 tonight
1.      Legislation requested by the BE Team “2022-6-8-BE-SC-legislative-review.pptx
2.      A1440 markup “Bill A1440S1170 Zero Energy Construction Amended.docx
3.      A new bill (we are seeking sponsors) “Proposed Building Electrification Act and goals”.docx