Subject: DEP requires Stormwater Management regulations in place by March, 2021


Middletown homeowners have long asked for your help to remedy creek erosion.
I am asking you to support a strong stormwater management ordinance to fix the root cause, at least for new construction.
The NJ DEP requires Middletown to add stormwater management regulations by 3/2021.  San Chavan said she is on top of this requirement. 
We ask for the new storm water management ordinance to be referenced in the Master Plan.  The adopted ordinance should be the
Enhanced Stormwater Rules template  that comes from the Watershed Institute. Here’s the link:
This enhancement is endorsed by NJ Sierra Club, Whale Pond Brook Watershed Association, Urban Coast Institute, and Clean Ocean Action.

We recommend this enhancement to ensure Middletown is doing everything it can to protect and improve water quality, while mitigating flooding.

My personal perspective: If only this enhancement had been on the books DECADES AGO!  My wife and I own one of 1000+ houses, built 35-40 years ago in the hilly Oak Hill section of Middletown.  With climate change, rainfalls have become increasingly heavy.  Street runoff is dramatically eroding the creek banks and toppling trees behind our houses. Some homeowners have long demanded magical correction of long-ago storm water management deficiencies that are now threatening  houses, undermining roads, and requiring $Millions to retrofit and fortify under-road culverts/bridges/creek banks.
I helped sponsor a NJ-wide Sierra Club campaign which sent my letter (attached) to Mayor Perry and Committee, to provide Sierra Club endorsement of this Enhanced Storm Water Ordinance.
I trust you will encourage Middletown elected leaders and the Planning Department to implement the very best stormwater management future for Middletown
Thanks for the opportunity to influence the best for Middletown’s future.
Steve Miller
Climate Chair, Sierra Club NJ Shore Group
Co-Founder, Middletown for Clean Energy
732-977-4370 (cell/text)
732-671-5917 (home)
151 Borden Road, Middletown