Brian, it was great connecting with you.  I support energy efficiency and clean energy in Middletown.

You mentioned that TOMSA and Middletown split different grant opportunities.

I copied Amy Sarrinikolaou and Tony Mercantante, so that you can jointly consider a newly-created possibility of TOMSA and Middletown maximizing grant opportunities:

Highlights of this slide deck were discussed last night by Zenon Tech-Czarny (contact info on page 50) during last night’s “Monmouth Hub” meeting of Monmouth County green teams.

Application deadline is Oct 30.  Grants are awarded in mid-January 2021.

See last several pages for grant application info.


ANOTHER TOPIC: Independent of above energy issues, I would like to explore TOMSA opportunities to minimize full cycle GHG emissions from waste.  If this is being considered, how do I get up to speed?


Steve Miller

co-founder, Middletown for Clean Energy

Climate Chair, Sierra Club NJ Shore Group