12/6/2021 email from Steve Millerto NJ Senators & Assemblymen: (my local district: O'Scanlong, Dimaso,Scharfenberger,

and to Sweeney, Assembly Telecommunicaitons and Utilities Committee; Speaker Craig Coughlin, Senate Urban and Community Affairs Committee, and to Gov. Phil Murphy)

Subject: my organizations appost A5655 and S4133

I am a Climate Reality Leader and co-founder of "Middletown for Clean Energy", and "50 x 30 Team", I am writing as a representative of these organizations, and as a resident of New Jersey. The Evidence is CLEAR: we must do everything in our power to reduce Green House Gases (GHG) that endanger the future of our children and grandchildren. New Jersey bills A5655 and S4133 do NOT deserve a committee hearing, let alone moved to the floor, UNTIL each clearly shows a fundamental, measurable reduction in GHG emissions!
A particular objection to S4133: this bill is OPPOSITE the direction that NJ must head. Data shows that Electrification of NJ buildings MUST be incentivized and deployed by conversion of 100s of buildings PER DAY for the next 3 decades in order to meet short term NJ GHG emission goals by 2030, and long term emission goals by 2050.