12/22/2018 FACEBOOK POST:

Middletown residents can reduce utility bills (and significantly lower Green House Gas emissions) by switching to lower-cost 100% renewable electricity.

Shop for 100% renewable electricity at http://electric.smiller.org

Similarly, leaders in Middletown are encouraged to save all residents money by switching their entire city to 100% renewable electrical aggregation.

Underpinning lower retail prices of wind & solar is the continuing drop of wholesale prices. The attached article cites Colorado wholesale prices as little as $12 per megawatt hour (MWh) for wind, $23/MWh for solar, or $30/MWh for renewables, including storage. In much of the US, wind and solar is cheaper than average US wholesale price of nuclear ($105/MWh), coal ($67/MWh), and natural gas ($39/MWh).
For details, see https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-and-levelized-cost-of-storage-2018/

Provided by non-partisan Middletown for Clean Energy. The above is one of many ways Middletown residents can help "green" our city. JOIN NOW at http://climate.smiller.org

LINK TO https://qz.com/1490832/two-utilities-promised-to-go-100-carbon-free-last-week