Most action was a result of a “50x30 Team” which educates about the need to urgently work toward 50% GHG reduction by 2030, and NetZero by 2050.  This team complements a local “Middletown for Clean Energy” team, and a recently created faith-based “Climate Action Team” to influence additional sectors of the NJ population.
ON LOCAL LEVEL: Middletown for Clean Energy, Sierra Club, and Citizens Climate Lobby staffed a booth at Sept 18, 2021 “Middletown Day”, and welcomed 21 new signers for our “towns for Clean Energy” (SC RF100) email list..  We advocate that NJ cities reach 50% GHG reduction goals by 2030 (on path to NetZero by 2050).  The Middletown Mayor announced promising progress to provide renewable electricity for all residents of Middletown.  In 2022 our activism may result in about ten local towns providing renewable electricity for residents.
ON STATE LEVEL: On September 30,2021, the 50x30 Team sent 3 “Recommendations” to Gov. enable NJ to set goals to reach 50% GHG reduction by 2030. (This letter recommends routes for NJ to support the earlier EmPowerNJ petition to the NJ DEP to set 2030 goals). The letter include input from reviews by Gov Murphy’s Energy Policy Advisor and from the Executive Director of  This letter recommends ways to enlist community support for climate mitigation programs, and was authored by 8 activists who are collectively members of Sierra Club and 11 other Environmental organizations,
On NATIONAL LEVEL: we are distributing (to NJ members of Sierra Club and our various organizations) petitions/letters/phone calls by Sierra Club and other environmental organizations to demand senators and representatives keep intact the most GHG-affecting portions of the BuildBackBetter Act”.
On GLOBAL LEVEL: Monitor, educate residents, and influence (if possible) GHG reduction events before/during or after the UN COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, Oct 31-Nov 12, 2021

NEXT CLIMATE ACTIVIST MEETING: All people who desire to identify and work the most significant actions to reduce GHG, are welcome to  the next monthly meeting  of the "50 x 30 Team", on Oct 21, at 07:00 PM EDT
Voice-only:  929 205 6099  Meeting ID: 897 0175 5142;  Passcode: 685081