50 x 30 Team
Contact: Sign-up to join the 50 x 30 Team:
Next meeting Thursday, March 17th at 7:00 pm EST
Meeting Zoom link: Register for the link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuf-morzstGNDfcwkRF2zbYNLkUEm2I_RV
You are cordially invited to our March 17, 7PM webinar, “Electrifying Building Heat: Real Life Stories”. Our select panelists describe moving away from burning fossil fuel to using clean renewable electricity for space and water heating in their homes.
Lead speaker is Alan Spector, Spector Associates Architects. Alan will describe a 10 year path to his current “Netzero” house, served by five air to air heat pumps. He will also describe his design of geothermal heat pumps, installed in four commercial buildings. Matt Kavanagh, Co-leader Parsippany Green Team presents “What is ground source Geothermal energy, and how can we tap into this abundant energy provided by the earth”. Matt will describe advantages of ground source (geothermal) heat pumps and guide us from selection through installation of the ground source heat pump presently serving his household.
In addition, homeowners Dean Nielsen, Alexander Brown and Greg Gorman will describe their personal experiences with selection, installation, and performance of their air source heat pumps.