00:28:19 Christian: I believe Zehnder is a Swiss company, not Dutch. 00:29:32 Mark : Did you insulate between the double wall 00:29:38 Brian : How do you heat the Vermont house? 00:29:39 Mark : Or was it left open 00:29:47 Brian : Mini-splits? 00:30:07 Robert : Does the ERV exchange water vapor? 00:30:39 Mark : Thx! 00:31:31 Robert : with mini splits, how do you heat the bathrooms 00:31:43 Brian : I was told I would need a gas back-up for my mini-splits. Do you need that? 00:33:22 Mark : Old school HVAC guys tell me that the house need to breath. What do you say to them? 00:37:24 Robert : On the retrofit - how did you insulate the roof? 00:47:25 David : For the retrofit, how many contractors did you have to work with or did one manage the whole job? How did you find your contractor(s)? How long from engaging the first contractor to move-in? 00:50:10 Gerald : what brand of windows did you use? 00:53:46 Erick : The retrofit has a air exchanger too? 00:54:22 Mark : Awesome stuff - so far!! 00:56:25 Erick : yep 00:56:32 Mark : How thick was the spray foam (or R rating) in attic? 00:58:07 Erick : Never mind my question 01:05:25 Mark : Did you do anything special for bathroom vents, plumbing vents? 01:07:15 Christian : How did your blower door results for Vermont compare with the NJ retrofit. 01:09:25 Enis What is the brand of the induction cooktop, windows? 01:10:24 Bob : Super interesting! You worked hard and did an amazing job covering all of the bases. Are there places where you would consider compromising the perfect for the "very good? 01:12:58 Brian : Do you know anyone who built a passive house with a metal roof? 01:13:30 Jim : Why didn't they bring the adhero all the way down over the rim joist? 01:17:25 Mark : Incase with what 01:18:02 Enis Did you remove the sump pump? 01:18:48 Enis : Did you put back the previous solar panels or get new ones which might be more efficient? 01:20:40 Erick : In 1988, we built a timber-frame house with “stress skin panels” that were, in the day, advanced. Here’s some pictures: https://erickson-malinoski.com/house.html 01:21:09 Erick : The panels are insulating foam with a 1/2” offset that was filled with expanding foam. 01:21:25 Erick Our air exchanger was _significantly_ more primitive that yours ;) 01:21:39 Erick : I’ll be glad to chat about that experience if anyone’s interested. 01:22:18 Erick : Walls were R25, ceilings R35…. 01:22:38 Erick : I should stress that this was _not_ nearly as well done as this.... 01:23:46 Mark : Reacted to "In 1988, we built a ..." with 👍 01:24:08 Erick : Not really! 01:24:30 Erick : Chat! Chat ;) 01:24:38 Mark : Great stuff! 01:24:40 David How do you adjust your thermostat during the week? Do you raise the temperature at all during the day and lower at night? Or you keep it constant throughout the week? 01:24:44 Erick : Many thanks! 01:25:25 Pat Miller: We all deserve cleaner air and affordable energy bills.The good news: our legislators can advance healthier, more affordable homes and buildings in New Jersey by passing S249. This legislation:· enables larger incentives to households and businesses to help pay for electric appliances that reduce greenhouse gas emissions· makes it easier for households to choose highly efficient heat pumps and other clean energy upgrades· ensures we have more options to lower our energy billsSend a letter urging our elected officials to prioritize affordable energy and cleaner air by passing S249. 01:25:45 Maribel : Reacted to "We all deserve clean..." with 👍 01:25:46 Pat Miller: https://rethinkenergynj.org/2024-be-letter-campaign/?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=tw&utm_campaign=be 01:26:30 Robert : how much did the NJ renovation cost 01:28:04 Mark Thank You!!