Upgraded home energy efficiency makes possible a lower cost heat pump to replace a fossil fuel furnace. Each NJ electric utility has somewhat different policies, and have a reference list of intermixed vendors with differing skills. NJ has 3 levels of home improvement incentives: up to $5K incentive is available in "Home Performance with Energy Star" for higher income. Higher incentives are available with "Home Weatherization for Income Qualified Customers" for families with > 80% median income; Highest incentives and whole house remediation is offered for "Comfort Partners" for the lowest income (< 80% of median). See PSEG site; & JCP&L site. In PSEG territory, use the self-evaluation button. In JCP&L, only "Home Performance with Energy Star" (for higher income) and
"Home Weatherization for Income Qualified Customers"
(for moderate income) is shown under the button. However, "Comfort Partners" (for lowest income) is ALSO available. Each utility determines the program eligiblity.
In all utilities, "Quick Home Energy Checkup" provides only a quick, high-level evaluation (and free water saving shower heads, LED bulbs, electiricty-saving power strips,etc.), which are unlikely to make a significant improvement in energy efficiency.
1. Instead of "Quick Home Energy Checkup", select vendors from “Participating Contractor“ list for each utility.. ". Auditor organizations are credentialed by BPI.org. Goldstar contractors are the best. All provide a low "teaser" price for "Energy Audit". There will be a somewhat hard sell to sign on high remediation prices (with high profit margin). Residents are stongly advised to ask for all audit documentation. Then contact a 2nd and 3rd bid from the "Participating Contractor" list. Most are likely to require a NEW audit (they dont trust other vendor's data). Closely examine the audit report and the bids for remediation. Your time is a small price for (likely) $thousands of savings by selecting the lowest bid for the same/similar remediation.I am currently inviting feedback on "Sealed"- which handles BOTH weatherization and subsequent HVAC improvements. I have experience with "Ciel" Home Performance with Energy Star.
2. PREFERABLY AFTER Energy Audits are available, and resulting Remediation is completed, follow THESE STEPS. Get 3 quotes (preferable) for upgrading your space heating with Energy Start compliant cold climate heat pumps (or equivalent, in some cases where worthwuile to not receive rebates where Energy Star compliance is required). Evaluate the quotes with ACCA "Residential Quality HVAC Installation - You SHould Get What You Paid For
NOTE: The US federal funding for the comprehensive “Home Performance with Energy Star” is being fazed out in 2024, and likely be replaced in 2025 by the NJ IRA rebate called “HOMES”. See the table entry “Modeled and Measured Energy Efficiency of Whole House” in middle of page 2 of
latest update: 2/9/2024