Building Electrification (BE) subteam Action Items and latest events

Emailed 3/31/l2022 to all members of both Admin Team and Leislative Team
(bcc ALL members of BE team)

March 24 Action Items  (See Minutes for details)
§       Insert your COMMENTS directly in Google Docs  policy paper and cover letter (by Admin Subteam)
§       Mike Winka to reach out to sustainable NJ to identify potential BE towns.
§       Sylvia, Legislative Subteam, to prep talking points for Kennedy bill.
§       Admin sub team will prep talking points for Sen Ruiz..
§       Sylvia Kay will scout out loans/grants available from DCA (ex: Wells Fargo; Bank of America)
NEXT MEETINGS (7PM): April 7 (Legislative SubTeam); April 14 (Admin Subteam); JOIN THIS ZOOM LINK for all subteam meetings
 April 21 (widely-advertised Building Electrification Webinar) ; April 28 (Admin + Legislative SubTeam working meeting)
Shawn LaTourette (DEP Commissioner) said in this recording beginning 44:56
·       BE (building electrification) is not going as fast as it should (especially when compared to the rapid expansion of EVs).
·       Fossil fuel industry is creating falsehoods
·       Sees a need for a proof of concept: start a local non-gov BE partnership, that includes work force development component
(Ken Dolsky's subsequent comment: I think our plan to find and work with one muni would be a great proof of concept)
(See our own list of possible cities in our March 24 Minutes)
Andrew Zwicker (NJ Senator) watch this recording beginning immediately after LaTourette
·       said he was developing BE? legislation based on CT or MA? which has gotten it right, to employ incentives which ensure heat pump installed price is equal to fossil furnace/boiler installed price..
The homeowner then chooses the home heating solution that has the best LONG TERM payback.
(49:26 in the video is the end of Zwicker's discussion on heat pumps)
BCC to all Building Electrification  Members:
  you are welcome to join subteam meetings- JOIN THE ACTION!!