Here is what I would tell any new RF100 coordinator, based upon 4 years of work (8 person years) for my wife and my focus on the clean Energy future for Middletown, NJ:

 We created our own organization, "Middletown for Clean Energy", organized a large rally and march, and recruited a large team.  300 Middletown residents signed a petition for a clean energy future

In Middletown's present form of government, 11,000 signatures are required to force the Middletown Committee to take action ,

160 people are currently on our "Middletown for Clean Energy" email list- I send roughly 1 email/month on average.  I also have a larger list of interested residents in towns throughout towns in Monmouth County.   We write and/or talk frequently to the Middletown Green Team (my wife is a member), the Mayor and elected Committee, and various town officials. We communicate frequently with various managers of Sustainable Jersey, and frequently attend Sustainable Jersey events. We give motivating talks to Green Teams in various towns in our county and other counties throughout NJ..  As a result, we currently have germination of a nearby 8-city R_GEA .  This R-GEA will be hosted by Red Bank, and provide renewable electricity for all towns surrounding  Middletown.
Among Middletown positive steps:

1. NJ CITIES which already adopted Renewable Electricity for residents
2. NJ cities which have previously signed clean energy pledge