NJ Energy Master Plan pg 159 Strategy 4Reducing Energy Consumption and Emissions from the Building Sector,through decarbonization and electrification of new and existing buildings, including the expansion of statewide net zero carbon homes incentive programs, the development of EV-ready and Demand Response-ready building codes, and the establishment of a long-term building decarbonization roadmap.

Decarbonization is defined as " reduction or elimination of carbon dioxide emissions from a process such as manufacturing or the production of energy"  Building electrification is the process of replacing fossil fuel sources for heating, cooling, and appliances with modern, efficient electrical technology. Building electrification is one of the most important elements in the path to decarbonization. 

Key strategies for building decarbonization are
  1.  Efficiency    Typically we tend to focus on  improving the efficiency of equipment replacements with Energy Star rated appliances.  Building efficinency also includes strategies for passive lighting, improved and insullation.  Many jurisdictions will find it necessary to continue to allow for the installation of new combustion equipment in existing buildings, making it additionally important to adopt provisions to improve the performance of combustion equipment when it is allowed. These include requirements to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve indoor air quality.

2.  Electrification:  Electrification is the process of powering by electricity.  Building electrification strives to replace all fossil fueled combustion equipmentwith electrified systems with electric powered systems.  Repacing fossil fueled furnances, water heaters, and stoves come to mind.  In many commercial and industrial opperations this may not be possible due to acheiving temperature requirments to process food or melt metal.  (Sierra Clubs Building Electrification Program focuses on electrification strategy.)

3.  Grid Integration-  Buildings that rely increasingly on electricity for their primary or sole source of energy also need to adopt technology that can support grid integration. Targeting key technologies like renewable energy, EVcharging, battery storage, and demand response will allow existing buildings to support a heathly grid.

4.   Building Performance Standards: Buiding Performance Standards (BPS)  address the actual performance of buildings in an effort meet community climate goals.  These standards when incorporated iinto the building codes .These standards include pProvisions for needed efficiency, system-bysystem electrification, and onsite renewable energy generation to meet overall building sector decarbonization and energy use reductions. 

source: Greg Gorman, 10/21/2022. For more information on Building Decarbonization see New Building Institute webpageln  https://newbuildings.org/