This report, by the BIASED source “Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas”  states that “even aggressive efforts to electrify transportation and heating will need to be matched with aggressive adoption of renewable natural gas”
Biomass Magazine— Feb. 5, 2020 —by “Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas”, 
Full report at
a report by D. Lowell and A. Saha, M.J. Bradley & Associates 
“  An overall conclusion of this work is that low carbon biofuels are an effective complement to efforts to promote efficiency and electrification of vehicles and buildings—especially in applications with long-lived existing capital stock, or where electrification is currently high cost. “
NOTE: modeling used by Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) is discussed and compared in the above full report by Bradley & Associates.
In Dec, 2018, NJ joined TCI (a transportation version of RGGI).
TCI is discussed positively by Jeff Tittel
Steve Miller