MONITOR CAPTAIN (utilize the assigned Deputy Captain)
1. communicate monitor duties to the monitors before the march,
9:55 to 10:05 drums
10:05 Pat Miller welcome/announcements. Read highlights of McKibbens’ letter (8/23/2018 5:55 PM). Kate Triggiano begins chant instruction;
MONITOR CAPTAIN counts crowd, and divides by number of monitors to determine number of marchers to be included in each monitor group
10:10 begin lineup. Marchers are directed to funnel into curved ramp on West side of park. A Monitor, serving as gate keeper, counts people per group and helps ensure order at the starting gate (at Front Street end of ramp).
Monitors begin to “fold in” at direction of MONITOR CAPTAIN
MONITOR CAPTAIN assigns an observer monitor, standing on W. Front St sidewalk, who signals when the 1st group is halfway (or closer) to the 1st light. Then the gate head would let 2nd group start to march, etc.
10:15 lineup in place; chanter & drummers/flute, and monitor (who knows route) leads group 1 to begin the march –
NOTE: after late arrivals have tapered to zero at the check-in desk, the Monitor Captain should instruct the check-in desk to prepare the the tri-panel RISE banner (6 feet wide X 40 inches is the largest we have) to be carried in the march. Three marchers should be selected to carry the banner to the speaker stand area in Marine Park. (near bathrooms and near large backup generator) Marine Park attendants will accept the banner, and mount it behind or near speakers.