CLIMATE ACTION CHAIR 10/11/2021 REPORT (SUMMARY): The “50 x 30 Team”, “Middletown for Clean Energy”, and a newly formed “Climate Action Team” are continuing to educate individuals and officials, and supporting local, NJ, National, and world-wide actions to reach 50% reduction in GHG by 2030. Details are available here.
Most Significant recent progress:

  1. On Sept 18, the Middletown Mayor described progress toward renewable electricity for all residents of Middletown This will be the most significant GHG gas reduction, by 2030, described in the “Middletown Energy Plan”.  Our activism (in varying degrees) is enabling ~10 local towns to have renewable electricity in 2022.
  2. On Sept 30, released Recommendations to NJ Gov. Murphy, on steps to reach a 50% GHG reduction by 2030. This letter details a path to meet the earlier EmPower NJ petition (signed by NJ Sierra Club) to NJ DEP to create a goal of 50% GHG reduction in NJ emissions by 2030

NEXT CLIMATE ACTIVIST MEETING:  Those desiring to identify and tackle the most significant actions to reduce GHG, are welcome to  the next monthly meeting  of the "50 x 30 Team":  Thurs., Oct 21, at 07:00 PM EDT
Voice-only:  929 205 6099  Meeting ID: 897 0175 5142;  Passcode: 685081