Following is a description of the Oct 18 program and letter-writing.

This evening's program is documented because it contained several new attributes. Future volunteers might want to follow these procedures:

Monday, Oct 18, 7PM, the program (co-hosted by Steve Miller and Mary Reilly) was "Building a Net-Zero Energy (Passive) House" in the Atlantic Highlands section of Middletown.
This talk was presented during NJ Sierra Club Shore Group ("Science Monday") by Diane and John Burke (1 hour); video is archived at ; slides are at
DESCRIPTION: make a major shift to a livable planet as citizens of the USA on behalf of those countries most vulnerable to the effects of global warming. 

A passive home means less indoor air pollution, more peace and quiet, less dependence on energy powered by fossil fuels, more use of renewable energy sources like solar, and a more durable construction.

Sponsor: NJ Sierra Club Jersey Shore Group.  Steve Miller, Climate Chair of  Jersey Shore Group, invites you to this homeowner's description of building a net-zero house in Middletown, to be constructed early in 2022.

Steve called and received permission from Ocean County Group head and Southern Jersey Group head, to advertise to these exteneded group members. Wael created the announcement, and delivered to all members of Shore, Ocean County, and Souther Jersey SIerra Club members. After the event, Wael sent the following to all who RSVPd:

Thank you for your RSVP to attend the Oct 18, 7PM, NJ Sierra Club program on design and construction of a "Passive House"
The recording is archived at
The slides are at
The contacts for further information (listed on the last slide):
EcoCore Panelized Passive House Process:
Contact us at:
Standard retrofit in NYC on multi-family housing:

AT THE TALK CONCLUSION, steve conducted the following letter -writing process (took approximately 5 minutes for all attendees to complete):

Letter writing began at the conclusion of Q&A of Diane and John Burke's presentation.
1. Steve displayed (via "Share Screen") and highlighted a shorter "bulletized" letter, (prepared by Diane Feula < and Stan Greberis) which summarizes a much long letter asking the President to halt new fossil fuel projects.
 -The letter supports Diane and John Burke's goal to eliminate GHG emissions

2. Steve then provided directions to participants to edit and sign the letter to Pres. Biden: (Steve personalized/edited the letter, and then submitted in parallel (roughly) with each attendee
   -Open "Chat" and then click the link to directions and a signup page which must be completed to reach the editable letter to Pres.Biden:
   -The link (which Mary) previously added to chat: