NJ Heat Pump and Building Electrification Webinars
Index to Building Electrification testimonials (2022 thru 2025)
Selected "Best" presentations by NJ homeowners (and principles of one church) are shown rank ordered in RED, below.
Shorter clips can be refined and others created as needed for publicizing NJ Building Decarbonization/Building Electrification initiatives.
NEED FURTHER BACKGROUND? ~700 recent (2022-2025) research reports, summaries, recommendations, referrals are indexed at
- 2023-1-19 7PM Building Electrification: The 5 Principles of Passive House, Announcement; Intro; Recording; slides; chat
Participants: Ken Levenson, Exec Dir of Passive House Network and David Kahn, who is surveying particpants to determine level of interest in highly efficient homes. Take survey HERE. Goal: a large group to convince home builders to offer options for highly energy efficient construction.
- 2023 2-16 7PM Lower your electric bill up to 21%. Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat Q&A. Yvette Viasus, the Community Solar Engagement Manager for Solar Landscape (currently finishing 54 NJ Community solar systems) discusses current and future Community Solar, which has over 100 NJ projects completing in 2023. Further info, and signup: https://bit.ly/3HwWedg
- 2023-3-16 7PM NJ Homeowners John and Diane show the features of their new home, built to passive house standards. Synopsis ; Recording ; Slides ; Chat-Q&A
- 2023-3-27 7PM "Science Monday". Pat and Steve Miller teach techniques to reduce emissions to enable a livable future world. Synopsis; Recording; Slides; Recording of Q&A (poor acoustics); ChatQ&A
- 2023-4-20 7PM "Best Practices: Using Heat Pumps in Energy Efficient Buildings", Bill Amann, President, M&E Engineeers, Inc.; "Design of the ultimate NetZero Beach House", Alan P
Announcement; Recording; Bill's Slides; Alan's Slides ; Chat Questions (answered at 26minutes:27 seconds and 45minutes:21Seconds into the recording)
- 2023-5-18 7PM "Electrify Everything with IRA"; Announcement; Recording; Slides1 ; Slides2
Participants: Pat and Steve Miller
2. MILLER HOUSE: 32:25 to 42:21 (time stamps in above "Recording")
- 2023-7-18 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides; chat ; Pool Heaters: gas vs electric; Participants: Sean Armstrong (Redwood Energy); Tom Kabat (Redwood Energy), Tristan Miller (Climate Reality CA), Maggie Ortiz (Climate Reality, NJ), Steve & Pat Miller (NJ 50x30 Building Electrification), and homeowner questions answered live and in chat of Burton home (in central New Jersey) case study
- 2023-8-21 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat; Participants: Sean Armstrong and NJ Homeowners. Wheeler house (in south Jersey) and Brankner house (in North Jersey) are case studies
- 2023-9-25 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat; Participants: Sean Armstrong and NJ Homeowners. Kristen house (in Cherry Hill) is a case study.
- 2023-9-30 1PM "IRA" presentation to SOMA (South Orange + Maplewood) EJ Conservation Coalition; Slides
- 2023-10-1 1PM "IRA Dialog" ; Slides
- 2023-10-19 7PM Announcement; Recording ; Betsy-Steve "Home Electrification Journey Slides"; Pat-Steve "Current IRA Status Slides"; Chat-Q&A Detailed Case study
- 2023-11-16 7PM "Need Help? We Create Home Decarbonization Plans"; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat-Q&A Matt Kavanagh Detailed Case study
- 2023-12-21 7PM "Create a Plan for a Condo Electrification"; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Bob Morrow, Tony Giordano, Scott Nelson, oceandoc@air-doctors.com, Oceanside Service, Allenhurst, NJ Detailed Case study
- 2024-1-18 7PM A homeower (Ken) and his Heat Pump installer (Chris Wisniewski, chris@icshvac.com) discuss selection and results with all-electric heat pump (with electric strip backup). Announcement; Recording; Steve Slides; Chris Slides; Chat Q&A; Detailed Case study
- 2024-2-15 7PM "America's Electrification Story by Betsy Longendorfer" Announcement; Recording; Betsy Coach 101Slides; Betsy Coach Advice
- 2024-3-21 7PM "Electrify Your NJ Home", by Ernest Dorflinger; Announcement; Recording; Ernie's Slides; Chat Q&A
- 2024-4-16 Titusville UUC at Washington Crossing "Climate Change and What You Can Do: Reduce Energy Costs and Climate Pollution" Announcement; Recording; Aucott slides; Winka Slides; Miller Slides: References Handout
- 2024-4-18 7PM "Let Matt Guide Your Whole House Plan"", by Matt Kavanagh; Announcement; Recording; Matt's Slides; Chat Q&A Detailed Case study
- 2024-5-16 7PM "We Can Win the Clean Energy Battle", by Mike Aucott, Mike Winka, Pat&Steve Miller; Announcement; Recording; Aucott Slides; Winka Slides; Miller Slides References
- 2024-6-20 7PM "Dreaming, Planning, Designing, Building old and new "Passive Houses" - contrasts & similarities, by Jacob Brown; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat Questions Detailed Case study
- 2024-7-18 7PM "Cayamo Home Electrification Journey" by John Pitts; Announcement ; Recording; Slides ; Chat Q&ADetailed Case study
- 2024-9-19 7PM "Planning for a Fossil Fuel-Free Future: One Home at a Time" by Pat Miller; Announcement; Recording; Slides
- 2024-9-24 7PM "Whole House Electrification Plan" Slides
- 2024-11-19 7PM NJ Electrification Coaching Network; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat/References
- 2024-11-21 7PM "NJ Electrification Coaches" Case Studies; Announcement; Recording of Presentation; Slides-pdf; Slides-PPTX ; Recording of Q&A; Chat/References Detailed case study of Karen's home
- 2024-12-19 7PM "Solar 101", Mike Winka, Sustainable Lawrence; Announcement; video-part1; video-part2; Slides; QandA-Chat; Summary by AI
- 2025-1-16 7PM "Solar + Battery: Become your own power plant" Announcement ; Recording ; Winka Slides; Miller Slides; Q&A-Chat
- 2025-2-20 7PM "Sarah and David's Home Home Clean Energy Journey"; Announcement; Recording ; Slides: Use EV for home electrical backup; 2025 NJ Utility Rebates Detailed Case study
- 2025-3-20 7PM
Following is a Case study, but not indexed above:
4. UUCMC CHURCH, Middletown (winner of 2023 national award for energy efficiency/GHG reduction/utility cost reduction).
Data and reports are available.
Presentations are created and given as required.
____Page also indexed at https://nextdoor.com/p/LRY4LHwz3N6L?utm_source=share&extras=OTIwMzk0