NJ Heat Pump and Building Electrification Webinars

Index to Building Electrification testimonials (2022 and 2023)

Selected "Best" presentations by NJ homeowners (and principles of one church) are shown rank ordered in RED, below.
Shorter clips can be refined and others created as needed for publicizing NJ Building Decarbonization/Building Electrification initiatives.

The original index to all Building Electrification webinars (WITHOUT RED HIGHLIGHTS) will continue to be updated at

NEED FURTHER BACKGROUND? 400 recent (2022-2023) research reports, summaries, recommendations, referrals are indexed at


Following is available, but not indexed above:
4. UUCMC CHURCH, Middletown (winner of 2023 national award for energy efficiency/GHG reduction/utility cost reduction).
Data and reports are available.
Presentations are created and given as required.

____Page also indexed at https://nextdoor.com/p/LRY4LHwz3N6L?utm_source=share&extras=OTIwMzk0