Heat Pump and Building Electrification NJ Webinars
possible BE testimonials
WE INVITE YOU: tell your building electrification/decarbonization story.
Have you installed a heat pump? keep track of your monthly/annual electric and gas bills, and LET US KNOW RESULTS!
Hosted by Steve & Pat Miller, co-chairs, NJ Sierra Club Building Electrification Committee
All 2024 Q&A summary
- 2020-11-9 Heat Pumps (introduction); video (75 min); Description; Q and A
- 2021-12-16 Webinar recorded video on Heatpumps: "The 3rd Lever to Reach Zero Emissions"; Agenda ; Winka-slides; Schuster-slides ; Dave Hoh, "Dr. Energy Saver- make Homes More Comfortable, Healthier and Energy Efficient" ; Heat Pump brief by Nancy Blackwood; further links and background sources
Mike Winka, Tom Schuster, Dave Hoh, Nancy Blackwood, Greg Gorman
- 2022-2-17 Building Electrification roadmap Description; Recording; Slides Q&A (distributed after meeting).
Participants: Hap Haven, Scott Nelson, Greg Gorman, Steve Miller
- 2022-3-17 Building Electrification Recording; Description ; Slides: Spector ; Kavanagh (Ground Source Heat Pump); Brown ; QandA
Participants: Alan Spector (architect), Matt Kavanagh ("“Green Insight" Decarbonization Planing), Alex Brown (DIY solar and heating)
- 2022-4-21 Building Electrification Recording (Steve Miller is Host) ; Invitation ; Description ; Miller slides ; Dolsky slides
Participants: Steve Miller, Ken Dolsky
- 2022-6-16 7PM Webinar Description; Recording; Slides: Steve Miller; Phyllis Garr; John Wheeler ; Hap Haven
Participants: Phyllis Garr, John Wheeler, Hap Haven
- 2022-7-21 7PM Building Electrification by David Green; Description; website ; Recording (earlier presentation); All Q&A (text); Ted Talk; 3-minute TV news interview; slides Participants: David Green
- 2022-8-18 7PM Building Electrification Announcement ; Recording; Transcript; Chris Wisniewski ICS slides; Patsy/David slides
Participants: Chris Wisniewski, Patsy & David
- 2022-9-15 7PM Building Electrification Announcement; HTML; bit.ly link to register; Recording;
Participants: "Ingo" Ingólfur Páll Matthíasson, Jennifer & Dean
- 2022-10-20 7PM Building Electrification Announcement; HTML ; Recording; slides (Matt) ; contents of chat ;
Participants: Scott Nelson, Matt Kavanagh, Jordan Stern
- 2022-11-17 7PM Building Electrification Announcement; Recording; Pat-Steve-slides ; Morrow-slides
Participants: Robert Morrow, Steve Miller, Pat Miller
- 2022-12-15 7PM Building Electrification Announcement; Recording; slides ; chat (see recording for answers)
Participants/topics: Matt Kavanagh presents path to move your house to NetZero energy and GHG emissions
- 2023-1-19 7PM Building Electrification: The 5 Principles of Passive House, Announcement; Intro; Recording; slides; chat
Participants: Ken Levenson, Exec Dir of Passive House Network and David Kahn, who is surveying particpants to determine level of interest in highly efficient homes. Take survey HERE. Goal: a large group to convince home builders to offer options for highly energy efficient construction.
- 2023 2-16 7PM Lower your electric bill up to 21%. Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat Q&A. Yvette Viasus, the Community Solar Engagement Manager for Solar Landscape (currently finishing 54 NJ Community solar systems) discusses current and future Community Solar, which has over 100 NJ projects completing in 2023. Further info, and signup: https://bit.ly/3HwWedg
- 2023-3-16 7PM NJ Homeowners John and Diane show the features of their new home, built to passive house standards. Synopsis ; Recording ; Slides ; Chat-Q&A
- 2023-3-27 7PM "Science Monday". Pat and Steve Miller teach techniques to reduce emissions to enable a livable future world. Synopsis; Recording; Slides; Recording of Q&A (poor acoustics); ChatQ&A
- 2023-4-20 7PM "Best Practices: Using Heat Pumps in Energy Efficient Buildings", Bill Amann, President, M&E Engineeers, Inc.; "Design of the ultimate NetZero Beach House", Alan P
Announcement; Recording; Bill's Slides; Alan's Slides ; Chat Questions (answered at 26minutes:27 seconds and 45minutes:21Seconds into the recording)
- 2023-5-18 7PM "Electrify Everything with IRA"; Announcement; Recording; Slides1 ; Slides2 ; One Page Explanation of NJ and IRA rebates-incentives
Participants: Pat and Steve Miller
- 2023-7-18 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides; chat ; Pool Heaters: gas vs electric; Participants: Sean Armstrong (Redwood Energy); Tom Kabat (Redwood Energy), Tristan Miller (Climate Reality CA), Maggie Ortiz (Climate Reality, NJ), Steve & Pat Miller (NJ 50x30 Building Electrification), Case study done on home of Jo Ellen (South Brunswick) ; homeowner questions answered live and in chat
- 2023-8-21 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides: Chat ; Participants: Sean Armstrong, Tom Kabat, Tristan and Wheeler, Brankner, and other NJ Homeowners
- 2023-9-25 7PM "The Ask Sean Show" NJ Building Electrification Case Studies; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat; Participants: Sean Armstrong and NJ Homeowners
- 2023-9-30 1PM "IRA" presentation to SOMA (South Orange + Maplewood) EJ Conservation Coalition; Slides
- 2023-10-1 1PM "IRA Dialog" ; Slides
- 2023-10-19 7PM Announcement; Recording ; Betsy-Steve "Home Electrification Journey Slides"; Pat-Steve "Current IRA Status Slides"; Chat-Q&A
- 2023-11-16 7PM "Need Help? We Create Home Decarbonization Plans"; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat-Q&A Matt Kavanagh
- 2023-12-21 7PM "Create a Plan for a Condo Electrification"; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Bob Morrow, Tony Giordano, Scott Nelson, oceandoc@air-doctors.com, Oceanside Service, Allenhurst, NJ
- 2024-1-18 7PM A homeower (Ken) and his Heat Pump installer (Chris Wisniewski, chris@icshvac.com) discuss selection and results with all-electric heat pump (with electric strip backup). Announcement; Recording; Steve Slides; Chris Slides; Chat Q&A;
- 2024-2-15 7PM "America's Electrification Story by Betsy Longendorfer" Announcement; Recording; Betsy Coach 101Slides; Betsy Coach Advice
- 2024-3-21 7PM "Electrify Your NJ Home", by Ernest Dorflinger; Announcement; Recording; Ernie's Slides; Chat Q&A
- 2024-4-16 Titusville UUC at Washington Crossing "Climate Change and What You Can Do: Reduce Energy Costs and Climate Pollution" Announcement; Recording; Aucott slides; Winka Slides; Miller Slides: References Handout
- 2024-4-18 7PM "Let Matt Guide Your Whole House Plan"", by Matt Kavanagh; Announcement; Recording; Matt's Slides; Chat Q&A
- 2024-5-16 7PM "We Can Win the Clean Energy Battle", by Mike Aucott, Mike Winka, Pat&Steve Miller; Announcement; Recording; Aucott Slides; Winka Slides; Miller Slides References
- 2024-6-20 7PM "Dreaming, Planning, Designing, Building old and new "Passive Houses" - contrasts & similarities, by Jacob Brown; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat Questions
- 2024-7-18 7PM "Cayamo Home Electrification Journey" by John Pitts; Announcement ; Recording; Slides ; Chat Q&A
- 2024-9-19 7PM "Planning for a Fossil Fuel-Free Future: One Home at a Time" by Pat Miller; Announcement; Recording; Slides
- 2024-9-24 7PM "Whole House Electrification Plan" Slides
- 2024-11-19 7PM NJ Electrification Coaching Network; Announcement; Recording; Slides; Chat/References
- 2024-11-21 7PM "NJ Electrification Coaches" Case Studies; Announcement; Recording of Presentation; Slides-pdf; Slides-PPTX ; Recording of Q&A; Chat/References
- 2024-12-19 7PM "Solar 101", Mike Winka, Sustainable Lawrence; Announcement; video-part1; video-part2; Slides; QandA-Chat; Summary by AI
- 2025-1-16 7PM "Solar + Battery: Become your own power plant" Announcement ; Recording ; Winka Slides; Miller Slides; Q&A-Chat
- 2025-2-20 7PM Sarah and David's Home Electrification Case Study; Announcement; Recording ; Slides: Chat/References
To register for a future webinar, click https://bit.ly/3tmyd1g and follow directions to register

RECOMMENDATIONS for home decarbonization/energy consultants, HVAC service and architects.
Send your recommendations to SteveMiller@comcast.net
CURRENT REFERENCES (600+) on following topics:
Best web site; Best Intro Talk; Cost of Heat Pumps; Comparisons of Cost and Heatlh; Heat Pump Equipment Costs (vs Gas); Holiday Shopping; Home Energy Audit; Status of Building Electrification; Replace All A/Cs with Heat Pumps; Evaluation of Heat Pump in a NJ house; Heat Pump Coaching Programs; Heat Pump Latest Comprehensive Studies- CA, across U.S., Canada, EU, and World; Replace Residential Heating Oils with Heat Pumps; Do Heat Pumps Work with Radiators?; The Case for Hybrid Heating; Heat Pump Basics and Energy Efficieny; Cold Climate Heat Pumps; Portable, Micro, and Window Saddle Heat Pumps; Heat Pump Water Heaters (including 4 new 120 volt plug-in models); What you need to know About Heating/Cooling Systems and Seleccting Contractors; Heat Pump Details; Ground/Thermal Source Heat Pumps; Heat Pump News; Future Technologies which might replace Freon-based Heat Pumps; When is Dual Fuel Required?;
Techniques to determine home electrification needs; U.S. Climate Alliance; Advanced Building Collaborative; NJ Building Electrfification; Embodied Carbon; Geothermal Sources; Underground Thermal Networks; Energy Star; Building Decarbonization (broad-topics); LMI Housing (including ALL-electric); Efficient and Heatlhy Schools; Gas vs. Electric Cost Comparisons; Switch from Gas to Electric; Building Codes; Impact of IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) ; NJ Status: Energy Master Plan and Costs to Residents; NJ- Specific Studies; The Truth About Low Carbon Fuels; Carbon Removal Technologies; Effects on Heatlh; Induction Ovens & Electric Kitchens; Building Decarbonization- General; Energy Efficiency; Community Solar; Thoughts on EVs (A storage component of a building Electrical System); Passive Houses and Buildings; Net Zero Buildings; AI to Control and Monitor Electrical Usage; ; Major State, Federal and UN Reports; hyhff Clean Heat Standard; Model State Legislation to Support Beneficial Electrification; Beneficial Electrification; Leading Climate States; Energy Transition- Forecasts; Electricity Prices (Projected Thru 2035); Reduce Laundry Carbon Footprint; 2021-2023 index to "Energy Switch" webinars on world-wide switch to renewabless; Carbon Mitigation Techniques and Status;
Podcasts; YouTube Videos; ..
The Electrical Grid; Reports on Building Electrification & Decarbonization & Gas Prices; Major State, Federal, and UN Reports; World-Wide Status of Switching to Renewables; Battery Recycling; Webinars- Current Topics